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Trip Excision vs Individual Unit Extraction

There are only two methods to surgically extract follicular grafts from the scalp: F.U.E  and  F.U.T.

F.U.T. is a general term that means Follicular Unit Transplant. While imprecise, the term is commonly used to describe a technique whereby a strip of scalp is excised from the permanent donor area of the scalp.The wound is closed using small surgical staples. The excised strip is converted to follicular units in a two stage steriomicroscopic dissection process.

F.U.E. is a method that utilizes a very fine manual or motorized punch to individually harvest follicular units from the intact scalp. This technique completely eliminates the use of scalpel from the procedure.

Donar Zone

The donor zone – these hairs are genetically resistant to hair loss. In FUE, the zone is larger to accommodate individual extractions. In FUT, scalp laxity plays a role in how much hair can be extracted.

Hair Care & Treatments

Hair Transplantation

Hair loss affects both men and women and, for many people, profoundly impacts psychosocial function and psychological well-being. Few other physical signs of aging demonstrate such direct correlation with self-esteem and self-worth.Hair has long been associated with youth, vitality, and health; and our individual hair styles frame our faces and communicate information about our unique personalities. 

Cosmetologist use laser. Woman with cosmetologist. Lady in a beauty studio.
Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most popular and can be considered the most effective for treating fine lines & wrinkles, acne scarring, pigmentation and significantly improving overall skin texture. CO2 fractional laser is one of the latest technologies used to perform the laser skin resurfacing treatment.

Laser Hair Removal

 Excessive and unwanted body hair is a common frustration for many individuals, and despite the many etiologies, the desire for permanent removal remains universal. Before the development of lasers and light sources, treatments for the removal of unwanted hair were tedious, generally temporary in nature and often associated with significant side-effects.

PRF Hair Loss

PRF is a 100% autologous biomaterial, it can accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration, can increase stimulation of osteogenesis and new blood vessel formation. PRF can contain approximately 10 times more platelet concentration than normal blood, therefore having great healing and regenerative properties.

PRF Skin Treatments

PRF skin rejuvenation can help firm and tighten skin and can address signs of ageing as well as many common skin concerns. PRF can contain approximately 10 times more platelet concentration than normal blood, therefore having great healing and regenerative properties

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PRP Skin Treatments

 Excessive and unwanted body hair is a common frustration for many individuals, and despite the many etiologies, the desire for permanent removal remains universal. Before the development of lasers and light sources, treatments for the removal of unwanted hair were tedious, generally temporary in nature and often associated with significant side-effects.

PRP Hair Loss

PRP hair loss treatment can be a non-surgical option for men and women who are suffering from hair loss and thinning. It’s a very safe treatment that uses your own blood platelets which can help stimulate hair regrowth.


PRP hair loss treatment can be a non-surgical option for men and women who are suffering from hair loss and thinning. It’s a very safe treatment that uses your own blood platelets which can help stimulate hair regrowth.

Universal Bio Hair Transplant Center

Diet plays a valuable role in the success of hair transplant. You might not believe it but nutrients are required for the hair growth to recover properly. Mostly, it is seen that now the doctors give the diet plan which the patient needs to follow to get the desired results

Essential Nutrients For Hair Transplant Success


Beans, spinach, and oil-seeds are a great source of iron and beneficial for hair health. There are different green leafy vegetables which are an important source of iron. Iron is important for the hair texture and they also help in the proper flow of oxygen which results in good hair growth.


Different studies have shown that zinc is essential for hair health. It helps in building healthy cells, balance the hormones and helps in absorbing the essential nutrients. Healthy hair growth is possible as zinc helps in the production of DNA and RNA. Some of the options of zinc food are nuts, eggs, cheese, seafood, whole grains, and oysters.

Vitamin D

Hair follicles get sensitive to hormones and several studies have shown that it is a great nutrient for activating the growth of hair cells. Studies have shown that people are facing a deficiency of Vitamin D which is triggering alopecia problems.

So, patients undergoing hair transplantation should increase the intake of Vitamin D food like liver oil, fish, fortified orange juice, salmon, and mushrooms. Along with that, direct sun exposure is important. You should go for a morning walk for 15 to 20 minutes.


Omega-3 is another important part of hair growth. You can get different tablets in the market which are available in the food supplement. The body is not able to produce omega-3 on its own. You can include pumpkin seeds, salmon, trout, and flax seeds in your diet. These types of food items are important for the hair shaft. Additionally, increase the intake of water to keep the scalp hydrated and stimulate hair growth.


Protein is an important source for the hair and body tissues. After the hair transplantation, when the patient takes diet rich in protein it helps in faster healing and also leads to hair growth. You should choose high-quality protein-rich food like pulses, tofu, walnuts, eggs, beans, fish, and poultry.

Is there any food which I need to avoid?

After the hair transplantation, the patient should not take spicy dishes and eat fast food. Along with that, avoid beverages that have high sugar content. Making small changes in your diet can help you in the long run and get the best possible results. Also, the patient should not smoke and drink as they also halt the healing process.

Patient Testimonials

Pre & Post Procedure

General Instrunctions:

Post Procedure Instructions :
Starting directly after the procedure and for the next 5 to 7 days, please SPRAY the transplanted area with normal saline water solution every 30 minutes. It is not necessary to wake up at night to do this.

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