Hair Transplantation



Hair Transplantation

Hair loss affects both men and women and, for many people, profoundly impacts psychosocial function and psychological well-being. Few other physical signs of aging demonstrate such direct correlation with self-esteem and self-worth. Hair has long been associated with youth, vitality, and health; and our individual hair styles frame our faces and communicate information about our unique personalities.

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Patient evaluation overview

A thorough patient evaluation and an understanding of the pathophysiology of hair loss are essential components to successful hair transplantation. Although individuals of all skin types and all hair colors can be candidates for hair restoration, factors such as hair follicle density, average caliber of hair shaft, pattern of alopecia, and age of the patient all play vital roles in patient selection and operative planning. The surgeon uses the clinical history of hair loss, the predicted

Pharmacologic and nonsurgical treatment options

Because of the progressive nature of hair loss, all patients with androgenetic alopecia considering hair transplantation or undergoing evaluation for hair transplantation benefit from discussion of pharmacologic management and ancillary treatments that help the patient retain, and in some cases, regrow hair before transplantation or ensure the best possible long-term outcomes through a postprocedure maintenance program. Ultimately the decision to pursue pharmacologic management of hair loss.

Surgical/interventional treatment options

Once the patient has undergone thorough evaluation, understands the long-term trajectory of hair loss, commits to a hair loss management plan, and decides to proceed with hair transplantation, operative planning begins. Hair transplantation involves a high degree of precision, technology integration, and utilization of an incredibly skilled surgical team, but also requires an abstract and artistic approach to recreate a style that appears natural. This marriage of detail-oriented and artistic


The principles and techniques of hair restoration were pioneered by dermatologists, and hair transplantation techniques involve solely cutaneous structures; therefore, these operative procedure are extraordinarily well-suited for integration into the practice of a dermatologic surgeon. Many dermatologists view initiation of a hair transplantation program with trepidation because of the long learning curve required for both the surgeon and the entire surgical team, and the need to dedicate a

Clinics care points

Both FUT and FUE techniques have advantages and disadvantages that dictate the best plan for each patent.

A thorough patent evaluation is the first step to ensuring a successful hair transplant procedure. The surgeon must evaluate the patents hair follicle density, average caliber of the hair shaft, pattern of alopecia, exacerbating hair loss factors, and predicted future pattern of hair loss in determining whether a patient is a candidate for transplant.


The newly placed hairs to fall out within the first 4-6 weeks, although the roots will remain securely placed .
The hairs will start growing 3-4 months post-procedure. You should then expect an additional 20% (approx) to come through each month
Please do not expect to see your full 100% growth before the end of the 10th month and sometimes a full 12 months are required.

Hair transplant procedure is usually performed under a local anesthesia, which numbs the surgical sites during the procedure. This helps in avoiding any pain sensation during the surgery. However, you might have little pain after the surgery which is manageable. The hair transplant doctor will also give you certain pain medication to reduce the pain if it is too much.

FUE hair transplant has tiny spot like scars which eventually become invisible and hidden.

Mon - Fri: 010:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sat-Sun: 010:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Rajmundry: +91-9912327333
Vizag: +91-9912328666