FUE Method
(Punch Extraction)

Human hairs grown in natural groupings of one to four hairs. In FUE, individual groupings (graft units) are extracted using a surgical punch-tool.  The punch tool is positioned over the hair where it emerges from the scalp, then aligned with the direction of the hair growth and inserted, creating a round incision.  Whether the incision was created manually or by motorized assistance, the graft unit is extracted by hand.

This method is somewhat challenging because it is difficult to see the graft through the scalp, which makes it tricky to align and position the punch tool and to judge the depth required to excise the graft. When FUE is performed using motorized punch or modified manual punch, tools with smaller punch diameters can be used so that each graft unit can be more precisely extracted.

Historically with FUE,  some transection would be expected to occur when the punch cuts through the follicle under the skin. With our remarkable technology and skill, transection rates are very low and rival the yields of our FUT procedures.

FUE Extraction

Both modified motorized punch or modified manual punch are available, either may be used depending on the circumstances of your particular case 

FUE Hair Transplant

For over 20 years, Hasson & Wong have been pioneers and world leaders in the field of hair restoration surgery. Patients come from all over the globe to achieve the very best results possible. 

 Over the last several years, a technique known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) has increased in popularity due to the lack of linear scarring that FUT produces and faster healing times.  Because follicular units (hairs in groups of 1 to 4 as they occur naturally in the scalp) are selectively harvested or “cherry-picked” one at a time in the donor area using a small precise punch rather than scalpel, patients can wear their hair cropped exceptionally short without showing any noticeable signs of scarring.   However, to achieve results with FUE that are on par with FUT, hair restoration surgeons have to overcome the additional stressors placed on the follicles during the extraction process.  While many hair restoration clinics have still not learned how to overcome these obstacles to date, we successfully have at Hasson and Wong.   

 Several years ago, we introduced cutting-edge technology in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and started offering it to our patients.  After performing thousands of FUE hair transplant procedures, we have now mastered the technique and can deliver superior, industry leading results as good if not better than our world renowned Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) procedure results.   

 While it remains true that certain patients are better candidates for different methods, we are able to offer patients the choice (FUT or FUE), with the assurance that no matter which technique they choose, they will be getting the best results – anywhere in the world.  

FUE Surgery Recovery

Mon - Fri: 010:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sat-Sun: 010:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Rajmundry: +91-9912327333
Vizag: +91-9912328666