Laser Skin Resurfacing

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Laser Skin Resurfacing
Laser skin resurfacing is one of the most popular and can be considered the most effective for treating fine lines & wrinkles, acne scarring, pigmentation and significantly improving overall skin texture. CO2 fractional laser is one of the latest technologies used to perform the laser skin resurfacing treatment.

Laser Skin Resurfacing can address a variety of issues that are related to ageing and skin damage, including:
- Age spots
- Freckles and other uneven skin tone issues
- Fine lines
- Significant wrinkles
- Shallow acne scars
- Deep acne scars
- Loose skin
- Irregular texture
- Dullness
- Thinning skin
- Unresponsive skin after a facelift
- Uneven pigmentation
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This treatment can restore brightness, evenness and elasticity to the skin. There are different types of skin rejuvenating procedures that fall under the category of resurfacing treatments. This procedure is a thermal process that involves heating the moisture in your skin with a laser.
During the process, a laser is aimed at the skin using a handheld device. This removes fine columns of skin in layers. Some skin around each column is left intact which can assist with healing. The laser exfoliation can remove fine lines and wrinkles. Combined with the heat from the laser, this action may trigger the skin to produce new skin cells. Those cells fill in your skin’s surface, and can improve the skin’s texture, tone and appearance.
The heat that is produced by the laser impacts the deeper layers of skin too. It can trigger collagen production, which heals the controlled damage that the laser causes. As the collagen fibers bind together, your skin can become tighter and firmer.
Pharmacologic and nonsurgical treatment options
Laser skin resurfacing is commonly used to improve the appearance of skin on the face, neck, chest and hands. Because it can tighten skin, it can also shrink large pores.
The number of procedures that you’ll need and length of downtime post treatment depends on the condition that you’re treating. Shallow acne scars, pigmentation & uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles may require at least 3 days downtime, while deep acne scarring can require at least 10 days downtime. After the treatment, patients should expect their face to be somewhat irritated.
LED with every laser skin resurfacing treatment
Complimentary LED valued at $79 with every laser treatment. Hair and Skin Science uses the newest LED technology that is TGA approved from Korea, USA and China.
LED can help reduce the controlled inflammation caused by laser skin resurfacing. The red light may accelerate the healing process and can stimulate the production of collagen. More collagen production can result in more vibrant and youthful skin.
The first major step in preoperative planning is determining whether the patient will have FUT or FUE. The typical donor zone for FUT lies in a 5-cm to 6-cm wide horizontal band in the occipital scalp. The strip should lie above the nuchal ridge but not so high that ongoing recession of the lateral and posterior hairline may recede below the donor site with progressive hair loss as the patient ages, leading to a visible donor scar.
Surgical complications from hair transplantation occur rarely, developing in approximately 2% to 3% of patients and often much less with experienced teams. Folliculitis and pustules occasionally develop and require treatment with topical or oral antibiotics. Neurosensory complications, including neuralgias, prolonged pain sensations, pruritus, or numbness, occur infrequently and generally resolve on their own in days and almost always before the postoperative follow-up at 8 to 12 months.
New developments
FUE is now used for a variety of different indications, including transplantation of body hair, camouflage of scars, and in treating scarring alopecia. Transplantation of eyebrow hair, for example, can be transformative for the appearance of the patient. Transgender patients may pursue hair transplantation during their transition and a growing awareness of the specific needs of our transgender patient populations benefits our patients and can make a major impact on their lives.
Evaluation of outcome and long-term recommendations
When the patient returns for the 8-month to 12-month postoperative appointment, photography is obtained and compared. A long-term medical management plan is created and reviewed with the patient, ideally including 2 hair loss treatments. The patients may choose which treatment modalities best fit their lifestyle and personal preferences. Topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, red light therapy at home, and PRP injections are the most common maintenance treatments.
Complications related to hair transplant surgery are usually preventable and most often caused by poor surgical planning or faulty surgical technique.
Preoperative education and active patient participation are important for a successful postoperative course.
Young patients are most likely to experience a planning error because of their frequent desire for aggressive restoration goals and the unpredictability of future hair loss.
A thorough preoperative screening assessment is required to exclude patients with unrealistic goals and expectations.

Mon - Fri:
010:00 AM - 07:00 PM
010:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Rajmundry: +91-9912327333
Vizag: +91-9912328666