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PRP hair loss treatment can be a non-surgical option for men and women who are suffering from hair loss and thinning. It’s a very safe treatment that uses your own blood platelets which can help stimulate hair regrowth.

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About our PRP Hair Loss Treatments in Rajamundry.

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. This hair loss treatment involves three steps. First, the nurse collects blood, which is drawn from the patient’s arm. The blood is processed in a centrifuge, which separates the platelets. Then, the platelet-rich plasma is injected into the regions of the scalp where the hair is thinning combined with micro-needling the entire scalp.

PRP is rich in white blood cells and growth factors, which can send messages to skin cells to function as optimally as they can. The PRP is precisely injected at half-inch intervals across thinning or bald areas combined with micro-needling the entire scalp.

Injecting combined with micro-needling PRP into the scalp can boost blood supply to the follicle. It helps to activate natural hair growth and can make the hair shaft thicker. Some of the reasons that it’s an ideal option for hair loss are that PRP can increase hair count, encourages thickness and can extend the hair cycle’s growth stage.

Because the treatment uses your own blood, you don’t have to worry about being at risk of a communicable disease. You’ll grow your own hair naturally. Therefore, it can be an effective and safe way to regrow hair for suitable candidates with hair loss. Candidates for this treatment may include people with:

  • Genetic hair loss
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Stress-related hair loss

People with early hair loss tend to respond best to this therapy. You can even use this type of hair loss treatment in combination with other regrowth methods.

How does PRP Hair Regrowth Treatment Work?

Patients who opt for PRP hair regrowth treatment have a small amount of blood drawn before continuing the therapy. The blood is processed in a centrifuge, which splits up the various components. The platelet-rich plasma is removed and injected into the scalp using an extremely fine needle combined with micro-needling the entire scalp.

Cosmetic nurses meticulously place the tiny injections into the thinning areas or where hair loss is present. These injections make contact with the root of the follicles which can trigger growth. We also use a technique called micro-needling on the entire scalp, which can encourage blood circulation, helping stimulate hair follicles.

Following the procedure, in some rare circumstances, your scalp may be sore, but many patients don’t experience any discomfort. You can go about your daily activities immediately. Just don’t shampoo your hair or do strenuous exercise for 12 hours after the treatment.

Treatments should be performed every 2-3 weeks for approximately 6 to 12 times in order to achieve optimum results. A top-up treatment may be required at the 3 month point depending on the results obtained.

Mon - Fri: 010:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Sat-Sun: 010:00 AM - 08:00 PM
Rajmundry: +91-9912327333
Vizag: +91-9912328666